Values shared by Tiber

Global Compact

Human Rights

Principle 1. Businesses are required to support and respect the universally recognised human rights

within their respective areas of influence

Principle 2. Businesses are required to ensure that they are not indirectly complicit in the violation
of human rights.


Principle 3. Businesses are required to uphold the workers' freedom of association and recognize the

the right to collective bargaining

Principle 4. Businesses are required to uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour

Principle 5. Businesses are required to uphold the effective abolition of child labour

Principle 6. Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of discrimination concerning employment and occupation


Principle 7. Businesses are required to support a preventive approach concerning environmental challenges

Principle 8. Businesses are required to undertake initiatives that promote greater environmental

Principle 9. Businesses are required to encourage the development and diffusion of technologies that respect  the environment 

Combating corruption

Principle 10. Businesses commit to working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and